Things to Remember as a Notary
Your handwritten signature:
on your notary application must match your name on your education certificate and on your application. Your signature must be legible. If your handwritten siganture on your application is not legible, PAN recommends that you print your name immediately adjacent to your preferred signature. A signature is considered legible by the Department of State if it is distinct, easily readable and understandable. Your full name must be clearly recognized by looking at the signature.
When you notatarize:
your signature must match the name on your commission and your stamp.
You have 45 days:
from the date of your appointment letter to record your bond, take the oath of office and register your signature at the county Recorder of Deeds.
You must notify:
the Department of State within 30 days of any change in the information on file with the Department, including:
by the Department of State. You cannot charge notary fees that are in excess of the fixed fees. You may charge a clerical or administrative fee for services such as copying, postage, travel and telephone calls. If you charge cerlical or administrative fees, you must inform each customer of the amount of each fee prior to notarizing. Clerical and administrative fees must be reasonable.
on your notary application must match your name on your education certificate and on your application. Your signature must be legible. If your handwritten siganture on your application is not legible, PAN recommends that you print your name immediately adjacent to your preferred signature. A signature is considered legible by the Department of State if it is distinct, easily readable and understandable. Your full name must be clearly recognized by looking at the signature.
When you notatarize:
your signature must match the name on your commission and your stamp.
You have 45 days:
from the date of your appointment letter to record your bond, take the oath of office and register your signature at the county Recorder of Deeds.
You must notify:
the Department of State within 30 days of any change in the information on file with the Department, including:
- Change of name
- Must be accompanied by evidence of the name change such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree or court order
- Change of name must also be made at the county Recorder of Deeds where you maintain your office of record
- Remember: If you have a name change, you may continue to perform notarial acts in the name in which you were commissioned until the expiration of your notary term. Application for reappointment is then made in your new name.
- Office address or home address
- Voluntary resignation
- Name of electronic notarization vendor (if you are an electronic notary)
- If your notary stamp is lost or stolen, you must notify the Department of State within 10 days.
- You must notify the Department of State within 10 days if you locate your lost or stolen notary stamp.
by the Department of State. You cannot charge notary fees that are in excess of the fixed fees. You may charge a clerical or administrative fee for services such as copying, postage, travel and telephone calls. If you charge cerlical or administrative fees, you must inform each customer of the amount of each fee prior to notarizing. Clerical and administrative fees must be reasonable.
- You must provide an itemized receipt for all fees you charge.
- You do not have to charge notary fees or clerical or administrative fees. If you do not charge fees, you need to record 0 or N/C in your journal in the appropriate columns.
- Notary fees and clerical and administrative fees are recorded in your journal.