Pennsylvania Moves to Comply with REAL ID
Pennsylvania answered the federal Department of Homeland Security's call for REAL ID compliance with a two-tiered solution.
The Pennsylvania REAL ID Compliance Act of 2017 directs the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to create an optional driver's license or photo ID that meets REAL ID requirements. Residents who choose to stick with their regulation PA credentials will nee dto use a passport to board commercial aircraft or enter certain federal facilities.
The Act requires PennDOT to provide eligible applicants with the option to obtain either a standard-issue driver's license or photo identification card or a REAL ID. PennDOT must also provide "a brief description that reasonably describes the content, requirements and restrictions" of the two types of ID. No one will be required to obtain a REAL ID, and the revenue from one type of ID will not be used to subsidize the cost of the other ID.
Gog. Tom Wolf signed the Act into law on May 26, 2017. PennDOT has 90 days to provide a report on the estimated initial and recurring costs associated with establishing and maintaining the two-tiered system.
Preliminary work on REAL ID has begun, and PennDOT estimates REAL-ID-compliant driver licenses and identification cards will be available at the customer's option in 2019. This will allow ample time for customers who want a REAL ID product to obtain one before the final DHS effective date of October 1, 2020.
The Pennsylvania REAL ID Compliance Act of 2017 directs the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to create an optional driver's license or photo ID that meets REAL ID requirements. Residents who choose to stick with their regulation PA credentials will nee dto use a passport to board commercial aircraft or enter certain federal facilities.
The Act requires PennDOT to provide eligible applicants with the option to obtain either a standard-issue driver's license or photo identification card or a REAL ID. PennDOT must also provide "a brief description that reasonably describes the content, requirements and restrictions" of the two types of ID. No one will be required to obtain a REAL ID, and the revenue from one type of ID will not be used to subsidize the cost of the other ID.
Gog. Tom Wolf signed the Act into law on May 26, 2017. PennDOT has 90 days to provide a report on the estimated initial and recurring costs associated with establishing and maintaining the two-tiered system.
Preliminary work on REAL ID has begun, and PennDOT estimates REAL-ID-compliant driver licenses and identification cards will be available at the customer's option in 2019. This will allow ample time for customers who want a REAL ID product to obtain one before the final DHS effective date of October 1, 2020.