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Notary Notes

Driver and Vehicle Services Updates April-May 2016

by PAN
Agents are required to ensure all their employees receive PennDOT's Driver and Vehicle Services Updates. Vitis for the latest information. 

Bulletin No. 16-7 April 2016 

Floorplanners Not Recording Liens

The proper way for dealers and lenders to handle titles for financed vehicles is to have the floorplanner's lien recorded on the proof of ownership document. This is how a lender can hold the proof of ownership documents for financed vehicles and the dealer can offer the vehicle for sale. In addition, with the lien recorded on the dealer's proof of ownership document, the Secure Power of Attorney process can be used by dealers to complete an application for title for their customers and obtain the vehicle's proof of ownership document from the lender. Otherwise, if no lien is recorded on the document, the dealer must maintain the vehicle's proof of ownership at the dealership where the vehicles are being held for sale.

Mobile Home Cancellation Update 

An enhancement to the receipt process for mobile home title cancellations (M-stop) was implemented March 21, 2016. The new receipt process automatically generates the recipt when the M-stop is applied to the record. The receipt also includes instructions for re-establishing a title record should the customer need to re-title the mobile home. In addition, an image of the recipt is created for retrieval at a later date, if needed.

New Pennsylvania Certificate of Title Design

Form MV-4, "Pennsylvania Certificate of Title," has been revised. The new edition date is 12-15. The changes made were:
  • Updated colors to be solid light blue with dark blue border.
  • Added 3-D microprint to notarization block on the front of the certificate of title.
  • On the reverse side, the dark blue ink was removed from the section headers in Sections B and C.
All other security features remain the same. Previous editions of the Pennsylvania Certificate of Title are still valid.

Bulletin No. 16-8 April 2016

Act 89 - Fee for Local Use - Participating County

As a reminder, Dauphin County has passed an ordinance to impement the $5 fee. The Dauphin County ordinance was effective May 1, 2016.

Bulletin No. 16-9 May 2016

Act 89 - Fee for Local Use - Participating Counties

Effective dates for additional counties:
  • 6/1/2016 - Chester County
  • 6/30/2016 - Greene County
  • 7/1/2016 - Cambria County
A  Fact Sheet listing all participating counties is available on PennDOT's Web site:

Agents must check the Fact Sheet each time they complete Forms MV-1, MV-4ST, MV-120 or MV-140 for a customer requesting issuance or renewal of registration for any vehicle. If the customer's county of residence is participating in the "Fee for Local Use," the agent must enter the $5 county fee in the appropriate section of the form.


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