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Notary Notes

Legislative Summary

by PAN
Here are brief summaries of the bills passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly and signed into law that are of interest to notaries and motor vehicle agents. Full details are available on the General Assembly's Web site at

Act 103 (formerly House Bill 665)

Approved by the Governor Oct. 4, 2016, effective immediately

Act 103 amends various power of attorney provisions in Title 20 - Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries and one of the short form certificates in Title 57 - Notaries Public of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. An attorney making an acknowledgment by attorney-at-law is not requried to sign as a witness on the document being acknowledged. This change applies to forms used for acknowledgments by attorneys retroactively to January 1, 2015.

Act 108 (formerly Senate Bill 1155)

Approved by the Governor Oct. 4, 2016, effective in 120 days

This Act establishes special rgistration plates for current members of the armed forces of the United States, including members of a reserve component or the National Guard. the plate issued will show the branch of service (Army, Navy, air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Pennsylvania National Guard) and the service emblem. The plate may only be used on a passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds.

Act 136 (formerly House Bill 1703)

Approved by the Governor Nov. 3, 2016, effective immediately

Act 136 prohibits a person from operating an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) in violation of the age recommendation warning label affixed by the manufacturer. The engine size of an unlabeled ATV operated by a person eight or nine years of age is restricted to 70cc or less. The Act also specifies that the sound level intensity produced by an ATV manufactured on or afte January 1, 1998 shall not exceed 96 decibels when mesured at 20 inches.

Act 152 (formerly Senate Bill 486)

Approved by the governor Nov. 4, 2016, effective in 60 days

Section 1 amends the definition of "abandoned vehicle" to include a vehicle that has remained on the private property of a salvor for 20 days.

Section 2 extends the validity of in-transit registration cards from 30 to 60 days. this section also addresses obscuring a registration plate from an automated enforcement system or electronic toll collection system.

Section 3 addes 1380 to title 75 - Vehicles regarding the suspension of registration for unpaid tolls.

Section 4 adds a new paragraph to 1610(b) regarding commercial drivers. Paragraph (4) states that a hazardous materials  (Code H) endorsement shall not be required for a driver with Class A commercial driver's license who is operating a commercial motor vheicle in accordance with 49CFR 383.3(i). The driver must be operating a service vehicle within the scope of the specified employment, transporting 1,000 gallons or less of diesel fuel and placarded as appropriate. Section 5 adds 1916(a)(3) to the Vehicle Code, stating that a registration fee for a motor carrier vehicle in excess of 17,000 pounds shall be refunded if the vehicle is stolen or demolished and the vehicle has a non-repairable certificate of salvage. The refund shall be prorated based on the number of months the vehicle was operational. In the case of apportioned registrations, only the fees paid for the Pennsylvania portion of the fees shall be eligible for a retund.

Section 6 adds a reference to violation of Section 3316, prohibiting text-based communications, to various paragraphs in the Vehicle Code. This section also removes motor carrier vehicles with a registered gross weight in excess of 17,000 pounds, other than farm vehicles for which a biennial certificate of exemption has been issued, from the list of vehicles subject to semi-annual safety inspection. These vehicles shall be inspected annually. Section 6 also addresses inspection stations and mechanic certifications, allowing PennDOT to impose monetary penalties.

Section 7 adds vehicles and combinations transporting sugar to the list of vehicles that may be permited by state and local authorities to move on certain highways, with restrictions.

Section 8 describes the procedure by which abandoned vehicles may be removed from a salvor's property.


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