Employee Reviews E-Mailed to Contracted Agents
Agents under contract with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) recently received notification via E-mail to review and update their lists of authorized employees involved in providing agent services to the public. Each E-mail contained a portable document file (PDF) showing the authorized employees currently on file.
The text of the E-mail:
Agent Service Provider:
As part of your AGent Services contract section 4.0 Provider/Staffing, you are required to provide the Department on an annual basis, any changes in the authorized employees involved in providing agent services at your agency. Your Agent Service contract requires that only authorized employees are permitted to process PennDOT applications. Please verify that the attached list of employees are still employed by your agency. Additions or deletions to the attached list of employees must be in section 4.0 Provider/Staffing of the Agent Services requirements, to add an employee to your contract, you must also submit a recent criminal history report from the Pennsylvania State Police; which can be obtained via https://epatch.state.pa.us/Home.jsp, a brief description of the employee's duties, as well as a completed MV-73B. This information can be attached to your E-mailed response and will facilitate the processing of your requested changes. You will receive an acknowledgment E-mail after we have updated our records to reflect any changes that you have made.
Thank you.
PennDOT Contracted Agent Services Team
The text of the E-mail:
Agent Service Provider:
As part of your AGent Services contract section 4.0 Provider/Staffing, you are required to provide the Department on an annual basis, any changes in the authorized employees involved in providing agent services at your agency. Your Agent Service contract requires that only authorized employees are permitted to process PennDOT applications. Please verify that the attached list of employees are still employed by your agency. Additions or deletions to the attached list of employees must be in section 4.0 Provider/Staffing of the Agent Services requirements, to add an employee to your contract, you must also submit a recent criminal history report from the Pennsylvania State Police; which can be obtained via https://epatch.state.pa.us/Home.jsp, a brief description of the employee's duties, as well as a completed MV-73B. This information can be attached to your E-mailed response and will facilitate the processing of your requested changes. You will receive an acknowledgment E-mail after we have updated our records to reflect any changes that you have made.
Thank you.
PennDOT Contracted Agent Services Team