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Notary Notes

Driver and Vehicle Services Updates - April-May 2019

by PAN

Agents are required to ensure all their employees receive PennDOT’s Driver and Vehicle Services Updates. Visit to get the latest information.

BULLETIN NO. 19-06C, April 2019


This is a clarification to Bulletin 19-06 relating to the identification credentials that are acceptable for titling and registering a vehicle in Pennsylvania. Customers may use a current or expired identification credential AND their REAL ID receipt as acceptable identification while the customer waits for the REAL ID card to be mailed to them. The acceptable REAL ID receipt is the one issued by one of the 12 REAL ID centers and includes information that is found on the driver’s license, including name, address, date of birth, etc., and a space for the customer’s signature. 

The REAL ID product receipt does not contain customer information and is not considered a temporary driver’s license credential.

Examples of both types of receipts (acceptable and not acceptable) are attached to the Bulletin.

BULLETIN NO. 19-07, April 2019


This registration plate is available for passenger cars or trucks with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds. Applicants must submit Form MV-150 – Application for U.S. Military Service Registration Plate; a legible photocopy of Form DD214 – Separation Papers or Discharge Papers indicating the badge was awarded; and a fee of $20.

BULLETIN NO. 19-08, April 2019

ACT 138

Act 138 of 2018 added a definition for “recreational cargo trailer” and amended the definition of “recreational trailer” in the Vehicle Code. The Act amended registration and registration fees for these trailers, effective Oct. 24, 2019.

BULLETIN NO. 19-09, April 2019


Act 144 of 2018 amended the Vehicle Code Section 3354 - Additional Parking Regulations, paragraph (d) Persons with disability and disabled veterans. The amendments took effect April 22, 2019.

BULLETIN NO. 19-10, April 2019

ACT 89

This bulletin lists biennial adjustments to registration fees mandated by Act 89 of 2013. These adjustments, based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), are effective July 1, 2019. Refer to Form MV-70S – Bureau of Motor Vehicles Schedule of Fees on PennDOT’s website at Forms/MV-70S.pdf.

BULLETIN NO. 19-11, April 2019


Act 117 of 2018 amended multiple sections of the Vehicle Code to address “platoons” (a group of buses (not including school buses or school vehicles), military vehicles or motor carrier vehicles traveling in a unified manner at electronically coordinated speeds at following distances that are closer than would be reasonable and prudent without the coordination) and “highly automated work zone vehicles.” The Act also establishes the Highly Automated Vehicle Advisory Committee, members, and alternates.

BULLETIN NO. 19-12, May 2019


The Act amended the following sections of the Vehicle Code, effective July 1, 2019:

  • Section 1926(a): The annual Dealer and Miscellaneous Motor Vehicle Business Dealer registration fees adjust from $54 to $56.
  • Section 1926(b): The Motorcycle Dealer registration fees adjust from $27 to $28.
  • Section 1926(c): The Motor-Driven Cycle and Moped Dealer registration fees adjust from $14 to $15.

Failure to pay the correct dealer registration fee may result in the application being rejected for insufficient fees.

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