What is it like becoming a notary through PAN?
My name is Angel Dulick, and I am the social media coordinator for PAN. I did not have any notarial experience before accepting a position with the association. Like many, my employers asked me to become a notary. This experience helped train me to be able to assist PAN members in answering their questions and concerns. I would like to share what I learned with other PAN members going through the same process.
The first step was to send in my notary application and take the notary education. Due to COVID-19, the education course is available online. PAN’s online education was extremely informative. It was three hours per the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (RULONA). I also took PAN’s three-hour in-person notary seminar with our instructor, Jon. In-person education was interactive and instructive. After taking the course online and in-person, I believe that both are informative and helpful in preparation for the exam. I took the practice exams and reviewed the RULONA Reference Sheets available to members, then I was ready to take my exam.
Scheduling the exam was simple. An email was sent to my inbox once the state received my application. A little over two weeks later, I received an email from Pearson VUE to schedule my exam.
Once scheduled, I received a confirmation email for my appointment. According to the email, I was to bring two forms of ID and a printout of the email provided. The place I went for the exam did not require me to bring the email, but each testing site is different. Each location will have a different plan in place for checking people in and what they require from each person. The email suggested I arrive 15 minutes prior, but I would suggest going earlier. Each location has its procedures in place for COVID that take more time. I took my exam at the Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh, PA.
At this location, they had me sign in, then present my ID to the person administering the test. I brought my driver’s license and debit card as my identification. They then took my photo and locked up my personal items including my phone, car keys, and wallet. You are not allowed to have anything on you in the testing room.
I was then set up on a computer to take the exam. It took about 20 minutes of the allotted 60 minutes for me to finish. You can go over the questions several times before submitting the exam. Once I finished, the person administering the test told me my score, gave me a printout of it, and sent me on my way.
Once I passed, PAN was notified that I was approved to be appointed and are currently in the process of giving me my $10,000 notary bond. Once I receive that bond, I must get sworn in within 45 days.
The process was made very easy by working with PAN, and the exam went smoothly for me due to the questions PAN provides on all their practice tests and training. If you are considering becoming a notary through PAN, do it! The association takes away the stress of doing it all yourself.